Integration of open hardware and open software

There are more options for integration of hardware & software then ever before, using these options, one easily come up with their prototypes.

There are plenty of options now for open hardware, to name a few are

1. Arduino- Microcontoller based boards

2. Raspberry pi- Single board computer

3. nabto- simple solution for connectivity to devices

Open software is already in play for many years now, and now open software is also available that could be used with above hardware, to name a few are

1. Processing- Electronic sketchbook for developing ideas

2. Reprap- general-purpose 3D printer with the ability to make copies of most of its own structural parts

Then are certain tools are available that could be used for medical applications, one such example is

OpenEye-Open source, open harware for real time tracking

At QS, Amsterdam we are going to demonstrate this in action, how open harware and open software could be used for medical applications. Catch us there, link

How health measurements tools could be handy

Today I came across a interesting problem, where a specialist updated most of the patients psycology, this is what she wrote “En kvinde ringede til mig forleden, og ville have råd omkring stress. Hendes kæreste har lige slået op med hende. Han har i en længere periode været ramt af alvorlig stress, men har ikke fået den hjælp han har behov for. For han kan ikke selv se det! Så hvad skulle hun nu gøre?? Hun vil så gerne hjælpe ham, men han tager ikke imod. Men lukker hende derimod ude. Det er ganske naturligt at når vi blir meget stressede skærer vi alt socialt og nært væk. For vi prøver at overleve, og så er der ikke plads til sjov og kærlighed.”

on that this is what I replied “Dette er netop tilfældet, hvor værktøjerne kommer handy, da der er mange psykologi barrierer for at gå til specialist, faktisk folk går til dem, når de kender problemet.”

Sorry the above conversation is in Danish, but I didn’t want to translate those conversation.

This is what Dencomm is working on, where these tools could be available easily to patients and they can use them for their benefit, and this ultimately saves lots of cost to society.